Pignataro Interamna, Frosinone

Edra Palace Hotel Recensioni
Via Ausonia, 03043 Cassino FR, Italy

Recensioni: Positive: We booked the hotel at the last minute after deciding to stay in Cassino. The hotel was a little out of town in a quiet location, there was ample parking available on arrival. The hotel reception was very clean and warm which was nice as it was raining quite heavily at the time. We were welcomed by the friendly receptionist who quickly booked us in. Our room was a decent size, again very warm and very clean as was the bathroom. There was a mini bar in the room containing various drin... di più su questo

Colle de Siena Ristorante Pizzeria Recensioni
Str. del Cerro, 6, 03043 Cassino FR, Italy
Via Ausonia, SS 630 KM 5, 03040 Pignataro Interamna FR, Italy

Recensioni: Grande azienda con auto di qualità e prezzi ottimi di più su questo