> Fornitura di prodotti alimentari a Trebaseleghe, Padova
> San Gabriele S.p.A. Recensioni / Fornitura di prodotti alimentari a Trebaseleghe, Padova

San Gabriele S.p.A.
Via Venezia, 6, 35010 Trebaseleghe PD, Italyhttp://www.sangabriele.com/
Recensioni: 17 | Valutazione complessiva: Bene
Premiato | |
Bene | |
Media | |
Male | |
Terribile |

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
I suppose that i must give all my best informations for you Italian people
Good service but please next time leave me to put some water on my truck
In winter's time salt causes big problems in "SaSI"