Viale G. Puccini, 311/A, 55100 Lucca LU, Italyhttps://finecobank.com/it/online/
Recensioni: 2 | Valutazione complessiva: Media
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Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors


Today I went to open an account and I couldn't believe I wasn't able to get inside the bank. Yes, your read that right, not only me, but other 3 people were trying to open the door at around 11AM, there were around 20 customers inside, but the two door to get to the line were closed. The funny part was that I could see the staff through the glass wall, even the grandma in the picture was making eye contact and screaming, but they wouldn't open the door for us-I still don't know why-, so after fifteen minutes of waiting I simply left totally confused. I took a couple of pictures of the entrance while waiting.


Fineco è una banca intelligente, nel senso che ha compreso le reali necessità del cliente sia in ambiente personale sia in quello business e ne ha fatto tesoro elaborando un modello di operatività fruibile, semplice e trasparente, sopratutto in mobilità. La rete dei PFA (Personal Financial Advisor) è molto preparata e professionale, mai invadente e sempre presente. Il servizio clienti è cortese e risolutivo. Fineco Bank è un eccellente alleato sia nella gestione patrimoniale che nello sviluppo aziendale.