> Organizzazione di volontariato a Trento, Trento
> Centro Felix Recensioni / Organizzazione di volontariato a Trento, Trento
Centro Felix
Vicolo Gaudenti, 10, 38122 Trento TN, Italyhttp://www.centrofelix.it/
Recensioni: 15 | Valutazione complessiva: Media
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Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
I have known Elena (la padrona) of Centro Felix for around 20 years. She is 100% dedicated to the wellbeing of "her" cats. Warning: she does not suffer fools gladly.
If you go to the centre believing you are doing Centro Felix a favour by adopting a cat you are likely to be disappointed. Elena will not let you adopt a cat unless she is convinced you are trustworthy. Years of experience will have taught her that words mean nothing unless they are backed up by actions.
She also works long hours. If she is not at the centre she is at the little second-hand shop they operate in an attempt to earn enough money to keep the centre open and running. So if she appears distracted or cold, it's not personal, she's simply very tired.
Centro Felix takes care of cats which they know can never be adopted because they have medical issues that the vast majority of people would not be able to deal with nor afford. The costs of the medical care for these cats is paid out of the pockets of Elena and the volunteers who help out at the centre. They never euthanize cats solely because they won't be adopted.
I know that at least one very excellent and respected local vet, Dott. Diego Sebastiani of Animal Care in Trento. helps by giving heavy discounts or free medical assistance to the owners of cats adopted from the centre, which in itself recognition of the work Centro Felix does within the local community.
You'll have guessed by now I'm a fan of Centro Felix :) I've attached a picture of our three boys that have all come from the centre.
Nonostante questo chiediamo di un gattino, ce ne saranno stati almeno una ventina, tra cui un cucciolo.. chiediamo e stranamente neanche uno disponibile, sapete perchè? perché hanno dei problemi... e quali sono questi problemi? i problemi sono che sono nati li e quindi non li danno via oppure li rinchiudono in gabbia perchè sono ''feroci'' o hanno 'problemi di comportamento'.... e sono dell'idea che chiunque vivesse in gabbia diventerebbe feroce..... Inoltre una delle tre signore sostiene che è meglio il loro gattile di un appartamento...... senza parole.
Una delusione assurda questo gattile, efficenza ZERO, personale ZERO, igiene ZERO. Aaimè povere bestie, non danno nemmeno un'opportunità di famiglia, di vita a questi gatti e ricordo che stiamo parlando di un GATTILE !
Se potessi darei veramente ZERO stelle.