Homepage > Garage a Positano, Salerno > Garage Parking Di Gennaro Recensioni / Garage a Positano, Salerno

Garage Parking Di Gennaro

Viale Pasitea, 1, 84017 Positano SA, Italy
Recensioni: 52 | Valutazione complessiva: Male
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Andrea Caso

Non molto disponibile e cordiale
Floriano Maffi

Un po' caro
michele colella

Parcheggio dipositano vicinissimo al centro Bartolo il proprietario con i suoi ragazzi sono persone simpatiche e disponibili
Giuseppe Castelnero

È vero è comodissimo ma ha prezzi osceni
Michael Asheroff

If you use this place be prepared to pay outrageous prices for rude and almost insolent service. They can get away with it because of the location. One of very few parking areas in town. Just because they can get away with it doesn't make it right. Caution - stay away from this or get ripped off.
Valerie Dory

C'est l'arnaque! Aucun prix affiché. Prix à la tête du client et employés franchement pas aimables voire insultants. A éviter absolument
Massimo Oriani

Ottimo servizio, ma caro.
Michele Ciancio

Parcheggiata ieri la mia Koleos pochi mesi di vita, perfetta... stamattina trovato graffiato lo specchio zero Professionalità potevano dire abbiamo graffiato ci scusiamo. Da evitare.
Paolo Silvano

Prezzi in linea con quelli della zona turistica, personale cortese e disponibile. Uno dei migliori parcheggi di Positano. Lo consiglio !
Karen Izzo

Ottima atenzione!
Giuseppe Fusco

Ottimo parcheggio, servizio impeccabile.
donatella camarrone

Nella prossima vita farò
Il parcheggiatore!! 2 ore e mezzo speso 20 euro!! In novembre fortuna ci vengo ogni 30 anni in questi posti!!
D Deli

sehr zentrales Parken in Positano, von hier aus ist man sofort in den Gässchen von Positano... freundlicher Service und kompetentes Personal, sorgsamer Umgang mit meinem Fahrzeug... der Preis ging dafür abolut in Ordnung, Fazit: auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert! Daumen hoch
Vincenzo de Rosa

Ottimo e comodo
adrian atanasiu

Be aware of the costs
Albert DeCicco

I understand you don't need to be sober to own a parking garage but this dude couldn't hold his booze.
Victoria Kelley

We parked 2 cars. My brother doesn't speak much Italian and the owner overcharged him by an hour. I speak some Italian and tried to speak to the owner to make sure my brother was charged appropriately. The owner became antagonistic with me. Eventually he put his hands on the counter to stand up and fell over backwards. It was clear at that point he was drunk. I grabbed the nearest attendant and said "I believe he is drunk". The attendant was embarrassed and told the owner to let us go for free. So.... Free parking if you make the owner mad enough to stand up and find him drunk.
TJ Kelley

I parked for free because the (I assume) owner was too drunk to work the credit card machine. 5 stars. Nah but seriously he was very argumentative and unprofessional. The other bad reviews were pretty spot on.
Anthony DeCicco

Parked at 615 pm, picked up at 1005 pm and the owner tried to charge for 5 hours. This led to a ridiculous argument after which we just paid the extra hour so we could leave. Following this my sister noticed that the owner was visibly drunk and unable to stand, let alone complete their (separate) transaction. Trash. Still -- Positano is amazing. Just don't park here.
Domingo Divella

Ottimo parcheggio al centro di positano. Perfetto per raggiungere a piedi il belvedere ed il centro.
Francesco Calopresti

Il migliore per visitare Positano
Vincenzo Campana

Assolutamente cari...prezzi troppo alti, giustamente non hai scampo se vuoi visitare i vicoletti. Conviene andare da mare...
Miali Piero

Molto utile
Running Cool

My car mirror had been broken. Employees looked shy and tried to fix it, but manager (owner) started arguing and telling it was probably broken before. That is not a service you dream about for sure. Anyway. Even Gennaro couldn’t screw up that lovely Positano evening.
Ricardo Henriquez

Very good service, we had a rental car and there were no issues, super efficient and very friendly. Coming from pompeii it would’ve cost us 30 euro to get to Positano, parking was only 28 euro for 4 hours.. definitely beats catching the train and bus in this weather with 2 kiddies...
Silvia Iscar

Parking en el centro de Positano. 7eur/hora. Hay que dejar las llaves del vehículo.
Michele Scotognella

Ottimo parcheggio sorvegliato al 100x100 eccellente personale
Michela Zaninello

Io penso, magari sbagliando, che 3 euro ora ( o frazione ) per uno scooter senza scontrino siano un furto in tutti i sensi.

Don’t ever ever ever even mistakenly park here. They dented our car we lost our full deposit and they said they “no worry”. Huge mistake!
Ahmed Rajhi

Proche du centre, 7€ /h on a pas eux de problème
Arthur Papailhau

* 3€/hour (scooter)
* they wrote earlier start time on the ticket
* they charge 2 hours after 10 minutes after the hour
Alessandra Massaro

Personale rozzo e prezzi altissimi, spropositati, da bocciare assolutamente
Laurens van Dijk

Prices are a bit steep (6€/hr) but posted at the entrance. Otherwise a regular busy parking lot in Italy
Emil M

They scratched my car and completely denied doing so. All the cameras were apparently not accessible due to "the manager having the password". PLEASE PARK SOMEWHERE ELSE!
Sivan Elkabes

This is a great located parking lot in Positano, the prices of the parking lots are crazy but all the same, 7€ per hour.. the opening hours are not as said here.. I asked them and they’re open from 7AM until 1AM.. at least at that time of the year
George Vrakas

Everything was ok till I discovered the r/h front bumper had a huge hole in it.
NOT Right!!
Lucky I had no excess insurance otherwise it would have cost me hundreds to replace.
They pretended that nothing happened.
Veronika Špačková

Předražené! 35Euro za odpoledne....!

Was concerned about leaving our rental car here based on the reviews. We parked it there for 3-nights at 25€/night. For what its worth, we didn't have any issues. It reminds me of how any cramped downtown NYC garage runs.
Giancarlo Testa

Dire che è eccessivamente caro è un eufemismo ho pagato per 2 ore e venti minuti 75.00 €. Da denuncia. Così non si incentiva il turismo, così si truffano le persone. È vero che mi hanno detto che costava 25.00 € l'ora ma credevo fosse la tariffa normale, invece quando sono andato a riprendere il furgone ho guardato le tariffe e ho visto che normalmente 25.00 € è al giorno. L"ho fatto presente alla titolare che stava alla cassa, ma inflessibile mi ha risposto *glielo avevano detto 25 € all'ora o frazione di ora. Io perché avevo due bambini ho lasciato perdere altrimenti era da andare alla finanza. Ci rendiamo conto? Ladri e non ho paura di essere querelato
Philippe ANTOINE

Avant dernier parking avant la remontée. 7 euros de l'heure. On laisse les clés, ils gardent la voiture.
Paolo Toscani

Si, puoi lasciate la macchina e camminare a Positano. Se vuoi farlo tutte le settimane, devi accendere un mutuo
Jonathan Griezmann

Scammers. They quoted us €4/h only to change it to €5/h when we came back to pick up our car. We refused to pay extra and went to get into our car at which point they physically pushed my wife back and started yelling that we were crazy.

They also threatened to call the police, but then didn’t when we told them to go ahead so get ready for that bluff. Eventually we paid as it was late and they were holding our car hostage - but I’d obviously never go there again and hope no one else has to either.
Antonio Landi

Ken Murray

My car was damaged. Dent on the passenger side door and scratches. They would not take any responsibility!! Video your car before parking here. But I still do not think it would make a difference...
Con Stroulios

Well positioned and probably the easiest parking with the least walking distance from the port.
Very professional and helpful people with great service.
ernesto percuoco

Esageratamente cari. Per il motorino ho pagato 4 euro l'ora. Fortunatamente l'ho parcheggiato e ripreso da solo perché ho sentito di danni procurati alle autovetture lasciate in sosta. Mancavo da 20 anni a Positano e credo che ritornerò tra altri 20. D'altronde la Costiera é molto cara in generale.
J. F.

Very close to the beach, easy to get in, they drive your car to the parking slot. I paid 7€/hour. But they stole around 150€ out of my car. Too expensive to let thieves into your car. Not recommended.
Leandro Targon

The f....Ing rudest as...les in the entire Amalfi coast. Don’t throw your money here
Jieyu Chen

AVOID. Rude people, not only did they scratch our car but saying terrible things to us visiting their country. Too bad. What a shame! Photos of man in red who is the manager at the garage, saying all F words and the man in blue who is the driver doesn’t know how to drive and made a huge scratch on the car.
Paulina Corral

Per denunciare!! Ma chi controlla queste persone?? Lascio la machina e loro mi la portano con un tremendo graffio/botta nel angolo sinistro posteriore. Mi sono resa conto nel prossimo paesino. Si sono presentati scortesi e prepotenti dall’inizio. Ho le fotografie e scontrino (25 €). Queste cose infame, lo fano perché si possono permettere con i turisti in un luogo in cui trovare parcheggio è difficile. Io denuncio al comune atti cosi. Con questa gente è meglio non parlare, sono una decina di loro di natura rozza e intimidatoria.
Ron Kits

Ikzelf zou een andere kiezen de volgende keer, er zijn er genoeg!

Qua locatie top! Uiteraard wel redelijk duur. Het personeel is echt absurd onvriendelijk gewoon. Maar ja ze zitten toch wel vol dus dat kunnen ze gewoon maken.

Let op! Schijnbaar is het normaal dat ze de auto vaak moeten verplaatsen. Dus ze houden de sleutel. Wij vroegen ons achteraf af of onze verzekering dat wel akkoord vond?
Geoff Wright

Great service, very quick and easy.

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