Immobiliare Raimondo

Via Giacomo Matteotti, 33, 18038 Sanremo IM, Italy
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★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Adisa Alic: It’s a scam! Initially when I arrived they couldn’t find my appointment in the system. They then asked me to come again the day after. After a long discussion and after explaining that I had a babysitter bring my kids to school and took a taxi form Monza to go there they agreed for the doctor to see me in 1 hour. After waiting 1,5 hours the doctor finally examined me. It was very quick and I feel I didn’t get answers to my questions. The consultation was 300 eur. They sold me additional medicine for 140 eur but wouldn’t give me the receipt. Additionally I had to pay 100 eur more to buy the rest of the medication that the doctor prescribed. The day after I sent an message to the doctor showing the condition of my head. The response from her was to stop all medicine and start using new medicine that she will prescribe. So after a total cost of 540 eur + taxi + blood tests she ordered of 100 eur I need to buy new medicine. The doctor advised me to do pRGF therapy - a cost of 700 eur per season - this is before I got the blood test back. According to her I should do 3 times. When I spoke to my doctor today he said it’s a risky procedure and absolutely something he would advise against doing. This is the most unprofessional place I’d ever been in my life!!! Stay away this is nothing else but a money machine.
2020-04-05 10:50:31
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Stefania De Matteo: dopo aver scansionato male i fogli, con righe incomprensibili, quando gliel'ho fatto notare, mi ha risposto inviandomi questa immagine oscena, con il titolo "scansione nitida", e queste parole via email:
"per quanto riguarda la scansione veda se riesce a vedere bene questo allegato (ho cercato di fare il massimo) e lo usi. "
2020-04-05 10:50:32

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