Homepage > Elmas, Cagliari > Avis Autonoleggio Recensioni / a Elmas, Cagliari

Avis Autonoleggio

Avis Autonoleggio Aeroporto, 09030 Cagliari CA, Italy
Recensioni: 37 | Valutazione complessiva: Male
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Domenica 7:30AM–11:45PM
Lunedì 7:30AM–11:45PM
Martedì 7:30AM–11:45PM
Mercoledì 7:30AM–11:45PM
Giovedì 7:30AM–11:45PM
Venerdì 7:30AM–11:45PM
Sabato 7:30AM–11:45PM
Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors



Truffatori e maleducati. Macchina in condizioni vergognose con danni non segnalati e tentativo di addebitarmi 850€ Nonostante regolare segnalazione e fotografie al momento del ritiro. Ho riportato la macchina 3 giorni prima in quanto non sicura chiedendo la sostituzione e sono stato letteramente lasciato a piedi con scuse decisamente vergognose e diffamanti. Procederó per vie legali per danni e diffamazione. Evitateli
Sami lee

ATTENTION !!! Il n'accepte pas les Cartes bancaires Visa avec La Mention Débit dessus.
marco Bressanelli

Ho prenotato l'auto direttamente sul sito ufficiale del avis con assicurazione totale. Quando sono in arrivato in aeroporto mi è stato detto che i cristalli non erano compresi e dovevo pagare in più 8€. Ho acconsentito per essere più tranquillo durante la vacanza. Alla mia riconsegna del veicolo mi è stato assicurato che era tutto ok. Quando ho visto l'estratto conto ho notato che mi è stato prelevato 25,52 € . Ma come è possibile? Prenoto sempre con avis in tutta Europa e non mi è mai capitato una cosa così poco professionale. Non ho una ricevuta per spiegarmi questa spesa. Veramente una caduta di professionalità
lexa dudley

Avis motto 'we try harder,'... and they certainly do. Great experience , couldn't have been more helpful. Thanks
marianne fragneau

Service correct
Влад Василевски

Бронировал через ренталкарс. При получении выдали автомобиль выше классом - дизельный Рено Клио. Гарантийный депозит не блокировали вообще, заблочили только 90 евро за бак бензина. Рент на 11 дней обошёлся в 114 евро, дополнительных страховок никаких не брал. Начитавшись про разводки при приёмке автомобиля отметил все малейшие царапины в том числе и на колёсных дисках, отсутствие ковриков. Служащие компании моментально и без пререканий внесли все указанные недостатки в договор. Сдача автомобиля заняла минуту - проверили топливо и отметили что всё ОК. Единственный ньюанс - при получении пришлось отстоять небольшую очередь. но в плохую компанию очередь, я думаю, не стояла бы. В общем опыт весьма положительный.
Arnaud Baloche

Prix trop élevé
Personnel désagréable et non arrangeant
Voiture non conforme à ce qui a été commandé sur le site

Better than expected. I have to admit that I expected that I would have to deal with problems at Avis due to other comments. But surprisingly everything was fine. I got without waiting time (in July!) the car which I booked before online. Also the car return and billing went without problems. Of course the people at the counter try to sell you overprized additional insurances. But if you say "No" it's Ok. In a nutshell, a full recommendation.
MM Musicus

Wieder top
matthias g.

Ich kann die ganzen schlechten Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen. Wer die AGBs richtig liest sollte die Regeln kennen und sich daran halten, dann gibt es danach auch keine Überraschungen.

Unsere Erfahrung war vollkommen positiv. Problemlose Abholung und Rückgabe des Autos.

Bei der Abholung haben wir sogar ein besseres Auto bekommen als wir gebucht hatten und das natürlich ohne Aufpreis.
Andrejs Maslencenko

Very good experience, everything went smooth and fast. We got almost new car for good price (it was only the beginning of the season though). I had bought excess insurance elsewhere and they had no problem with it. Definitely would book at Avis again.
Nicolas Delattre

Location conforme à nos attentes, aucun problème particulier.Le retour du véhicule s'est fait sans problème (véhicule lavé avant la restitution) .
Damien Marquise

Unfortunately they have shady business practices. Still currently trying to dispute fraudulent charges with them. Make sure you get detailed paperwork when you turn your car in.
Mark Maynard

We booked with Avis through the BA website and everything was fine, the car was excellent.
The only issue was the chaotic queuing to pick the car up at the airport.
Paul Donnelly

DO NOT RENT A CAR HERE. I was falsely charged in the same exact way as many other commenters here.

I was fraudulently charged for insurance that I declined and for almost 300 euros of damage that was not there (I have photos to prove it). I received no communication from this location about the charge. I only found this out through seeing the unexpected amount on my credit card bill. After calling US Avis customer service, I was told the location would get back in 15 business days. They didn't. Then I was told 30 business days. They didn't respond again. And now they're saying ~40 business days. Just enough time to make it past the 60 day limit for fraud disputes on a credit card. They've refused to tell me what the damage charge is for. I've submitted a fraud claim with my bank before they could get past the 60 day fraud dispute limit.

Don't assume that because of the Avis brand name that they're trustworthy. They're not. Additionally, my rental was for an 'Audi' or something similar. They gave me junky Renault instead. US Avis customer service has also been terrible at helping with this. DON'T RENT A CAR HERE
Lanzafame Agenzia

Sono da decenni che noleggio auto per lavoro in tutta Europa, sono sardo e locale, ma mai Mi sono trovato in imbarazzo davanti a dei truffaldini autorizzati, maleducati, prepotenti e impreparati che tramite la minaccia di avere il possesso della tua carta di credito cercano di fregare, termine appropriatissimo, le persone. Consiglio evitateli, è pieno di altra gente onesta che lavora. Buona Vita!
Natálie Ptáčníková

We booked a car via rentalcars. The pick up was fine. We got a car with marked damage - the damage was barely visible! So be careful when returning the car! When we returned the car the personnel was not very helpful - once they realised we had a third party insurance they almost didn't speak to us. They took my copy of the signed rental agreement from pick up and outright refused to make me another copy - saying that it was their (I don't understand why they need both the original signed paper and the copy of it) Upon return home Avis charged us for things that were included in the price paid via rental cars -- CDW, airport surcharge. They also charged us for additional insurance which we had refused at the counter upoin pick up (and signed the form).
When you pick up your car be thorough when checking for damage and make copies of all of the documents they give you. Better yet - book with another company!
Sergio Consoli

Personale gentile e preparato, sia nella consegna che nel successivo ritiro. Le auto sono sempre in buono stato ma sarebbe il caso di potenziare la flotta che, nei mesi estivi, è un po' sottodimensionata.
Алеся Шестовская

Выдали авто ниже классом (седан вместо SUV), грязная вонючая машина, ужасные детские сиденья, бензин "5/8", нереальные очереди чтобы сдать. Хуже проката не видели.
samuel cocco

Eccellente. Viaggio spesso per lavoro e noleggio con varie compagnie e Autonoleggi Demontis Avis è sempre impeccabile. Ampia scelta di vetture dalla 500 alla Stelvio, sempre nuovissime e pulite. Il personale è sempre cortese e disponibile nonostante spesso si trovi a dover avere a che fare con dei clienti maleducati ed in malafede (ci sono ancora clienti che pretendono di avere la macchina senza patente valida e carta di credito vera, come non sapessero che la poste-pay o i soldi del monopoli sono quasi la stessa cosa).

Avoid - these guys are absolute chancers, Staff inspected the car at dropoff and everything was fine but got an unexplained charge to my card when I got home, no invoice provided or anything. I had topped up the car with petrol before drop off and could not match this charge with anything on the rental agreement.
kévin Oulié

C’est des gros escrocs ! Ne vous faite pas avoir, ils nous ont pris « en otage » il ne voulait pas nous délivrer le véhicule car nous n’avions pas souscrit les assurances ! Or nous avons une carte visa premier qui couvre déjà tout ça. Bizarrement lors de cette explication à l’hôtesse qui parlait français, ne nous a plus compris!!!! Donc 339€ de plus n’ont pas payé directement mai prélevé !! Sans autorisation ! A bannir c’est un service déplorable qui ne sont là que pour vous arnaquer !!! Quand j’ai appelé ma banque ils n’étaient même pas étonné de ma demande de remboursement suite à cette escroquerie cela leur arrive fréquemment m’ont ils répondu !!!
Luca Celli

Avevamo un problema con una prenotazione. Sostanzialmente, ci hanno fatto pagare dal sito con Postepay ma poi con quella carta non era possibile avere l'auto (perché non è carta di credito).

Arrivati al desk, ci hanno consigliato di annullare la prenotazione via call center. Chiamiamo, annulliamo, fatto.
Solo dopo ci hanno detto che non ci sarebbe stato rimborso.
Macchina pagata per intero per 3 giorni.

Soldi spariti.

Ladri maledetti
Rosanna Cattaneo

Non rispondono MAI al telefono...
Seb F

Agence honnête.
Location conforme à la réservation sur internet, accueil et procédures rapides par une employée agréable.
Surtout pas d'insistance pour vendre des assurances inutiles !
Gudrun Rafibakhsh

Auto war super sauber und in Ordnung . Alles hat super geklappt .
Können wir nur empfehlen .
Cosimo Sale

Il top per il noleggio auto in Sardegna.
Le auto sono nuove e pulite, il personale è cortese e si attende pochissimo al pick-up.
Mi è anche stata data un'auto più grande di quella prenotata senza costi aggiuntivi.
La restituzione dell'auto è stata rapidissima e senza sorprese, basta conoscere le condizioni e come funziona il mondo del noleggio auto.
Sicuramente noleggerò ancora un'auto con loro, best choice.
Simone Zoccarato


AVOID AVOID AVOID what a scam. No preferred line, we had to wait for ages, upon arrival home they overcharged my credit card with 200 euros. Have not heard back, no invoice, nothing! AVIS worldwide claims that the Italian locations are franchises and that they cant do a thing! BOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE
Martin Paračka

Recommendation of this car rental. We used zero excess offer AVIS 360 and made the booking online. On counter little bit waiting, but it was 11 am. Car was almost new only 9000 km driven, fully equipped + navy. Return of car went smoothly without problems and charges.
Raphael Büeler

Worst car rental experience ever. The business modell of this car rental company is to get as much additional money out of their customers. Be sure you check your car very, very very carfully when you get it and document every single thing. To be fair this was my fault by not doing that. And thats also not the point which made this experience that bad.

The point is following: The way they treat you as a customer dissapointed me the most. They do mind games and let you wait (in my case 1.5 hours) as they know at some point you have to catch your flight. Furthermore, on top of the damage cost they add an additional 65 euros expenses fee and somehow another 80 euros. No one of the staff was able to explain me this 80 euros which is ridicolous. At the end I had to catch my flight...so they won. Thank you avis for this experience. Never ever again.
Ben Gold

Simply my worst rent a car experience ever. Never rent in Avis Cagliari. They gave us a car with a tyre that was about to explode. (Look at the picture). They're very hard to reach and didn't help us at all. Never rent a car here!
Yurii Dundiak

Try to avoid Avis in Calgari. I do not recomend their services.

The car rent was already paid at Rental Car with full insurance.
The story began when avis office still wanted my credit card in order to withdraw money in case of any car damage. Debit cards their system does not accept.
1. I have only debit card, my wife had credit card. Their system is dummy enough not to let (a)enter her card because the booking was on my name and (b) rebook right there on wife's name.
2. If no credit card, they want a fee of 180€. Totally they wanted 200€ of deposit and 180€ of "insurance". The thing with that "insurance": a) if I damage a car I still pay (so it is actually not an insurance by definition), b) it is not refundable.
Office ladies couldn't explain what is this fee for then.
They said that for them already paid full covered insuarance via rentalcars doesn't matter at all. So if something happens with car, so you are person who should pay them for damage even if you paid full coverage via rentalcars during booking. And then you need to demand from rentalcars that they will pay you money back which you paid avis for damage. So no client oriented at all. They do no collaborate between each other and customer is in full ass.
3. For a second driver they charge 7€/day. Doesn't have sense for me.
This the option we took - pay those 49€ more just in order to be able to use wife's card.
maurizio massimo jabres trombini

Sono tutte così, anche all'estero. Non c'è scampo. Noi italiani lo sappiamo, gli stranieri si stupiscono e ci salutano, andandosene via.
Denise Tunchel

This office tried to charge us 450 euros extra for dropping the car off at Sardegna, having picked it up in Rome, even though there was no disclaimer about this charge when we placed the reservation (which allowed such pick up and drop off locations option and offered the total amount due for appreciation with no reference to this) on their website, and no warning from the office in Rome, which presented us with the same total amount pointed on the site.
Since there was no specifications about this on our contract and we plainly refused to pay, the attendant dropped the charge, but not before holding us there for almost two hours while phone calls went forth and back with Rome and other main unit, all the time acting like they were doing us a huge favor for pursuing what they called "an exception". We thought we would be bored out of our minds by arriving at the airport 5 hours before our flight, but we actually lucked out, because we were released from the ordeal right on time for check in.
Also, they kept pointing to alleged new damage to the car even though we had contracted the premium insurance policy, which excluded this kind of penalty (AND there was no damage to the car).
Fernando M.

El coche que nos dieron estaba bien, incluso con GPS, pero estaba muy sucio. Tuvimos que comprar limpiacristales y limpiar todos los cristales porque de noche no se veía nada. Por dentro también estaba muy sucio. A parte de esto, aparentemente estaba lleno, pero al ir usando el coche y repostar en días posteriores, vimos que realmente le faltaban unos 7-8 litros.
jacky raimbault

Nous déconseillons cette agence ils nous arnaquent d'une partie de la franchise (190€) pour une minuscule griffure de 3mm située en partie inférieure du pare choc. Et ils estiment que l'on a de la chance car ils pourraient nous taxé 350€.Avec le sourire ils nous disent que l'assurance de notre carte bancaire peut prendre en charge. Voir la photo jointe sur leur site

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