> Auto tune up service a Milano, Milano
> 9000 Giri Recensioni / Auto tune up service a Milano, Milano

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Francesca Calvano: Approfittanddo di un'offerta ho pagato l'abbonamento per un anno a questa palestra, purtroppo me ne sono pentita velocemente. La palestra puo' forse andare bene per chi vuole solo usare le macchine, ma non per chi e' interessato alle classi. La mattina ci sono poche classi, alcune disponibili solo dietro prenotazione o pagando un extra, le altre poche e sovraffollate. Ho gia' protestato due volte dopo essermi ritrovata con altre 15 persone in una saletta soffocante da 10-12, con porte e finestre sbarrate, senza riuscire a fare gli esercizi per via della vicinanza eccessiva agli altri partecipanti. Il bello e' che ci sarebbe un altro spazio molto piu' grande disponibile, ma mi e' stato detto che e' un problema riscaldarlo… No comment. Andare in palestra dovrebbe essere un momento piacevole e rilassante, se deve diventare uno stress per fare a pugni per un posto e discutere con la direzione, proprio non vale la pena. Sconsigliata.
I took a special offer for a yearly membership and now I am stuck in a lousy place. The gym might work for those who are only interested in the machines, but surely not for who like me want to take classes. Only few classes are offered in the morning, some of them need special booking for an extra fee, others are overcrowded. I already protested twice after finding myself cramped with other 15 people in a small room for 12. They just don't want to spend the money to heat up the larger space that would be available. The gym is cheap, but you get what you pay for. I do not recommend it.
2020-04-05 13:34:44
I took a special offer for a yearly membership and now I am stuck in a lousy place. The gym might work for those who are only interested in the machines, but surely not for who like me want to take classes. Only few classes are offered in the morning, some of them need special booking for an extra fee, others are overcrowded. I already protested twice after finding myself cramped with other 15 people in a small room for 12. They just don't want to spend the money to heat up the larger space that would be available. The gym is cheap, but you get what you pay for. I do not recommend it.
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