Homepage > Soccavo, Napoli > Eni Recensioni / a Soccavo, Napoli


Via Provinciale Montagna Spaccata, 209

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★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Carol gina: Il mio posto preferito per mangiare, in quei giorni in cui non vuoi cucinare ma neanche spendere tanto.
2020-02-05 12:35:08
★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Ashley Rose Concepcion: I've been here to see and what i saw eas terrible ... There is 4 or 6 store open . the mall was big but there was 6 stores open . when it talks to price ... They give you a price lie a whole price if you will buy 1 by 1 of the difference product . but the most .. Worst of all i've entered to an store of shoes and the guy who was in there sitting and smoking a cigarettes in front of 3 other clients . .. At first i tought that maybe its just a eletric cigarettes but looking it for second time its a normal cigarettes ... But the most sadly the most was you expecting this mall like an othe chinese store that lots of people would come but .. I was wrong
2019-11-05 12:35:11

Altri commenti recenti

Avevo bisogno di sostituire un auricolare Bluetooth. Sono entrato nel negozio indossando una maschera. Tutti i dipendenti indossavano maschere. Mi hanno detto che avevano un rifornimento limitato, se non addirittura nullo, e ne avevano solo uno su uno scaffale altrimenti vuoto, che costava la metà delle quotazioni che mi erano state date altrove.

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