Max Mara Roma Via Dei Condotti

Via dei Condotti, 17-18-18/A, 00187 Roma RM, Italy
Recensioni: 35 | Valutazione complessiva: Media
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Федор Ковальчук

Отлично ... цены конечно завышены для этих вещей, но пока ждал жену пил кофе и по шоколад)))). Мне кажется за мной больше ухаживали , чем за самой покупательницей
Cecila Battaglia

Excelente atención!!!
K. S.

Bella esposizione di abiti in vetrina
Djurdja Milutinovic

We wanted to go in to buy a bag and they didnt let us enter the store because they were closing in 5min. Very disappointing from MaxMara brand. Very arrogant behaviour.
Claudia Di felice

Personale non qualificato , poco informato sulle novità aziendali e con poca capacità di vendita .Mi dispiace perché gli anni precedenti sono stata una buona cliente.
Αγγελική Παναγώτα

Το όνομα Max Mara τα λέει όλα μόνο του!
Η καλύτερη εξυπηρέτηση που είχα ποτέ από πωλητή!!!
Gianna Oliva

La classe contraddistingue sempre questo marchio... negozio enorme e molto assortito. Personale disponibile
Елена Николаева

Мир меняется к худшему и МахМаra не исключение. А к тому же и русские больше не в моде и уже нет русскоговорящих продавцов, все залы заполонили китайцы, неспешно что-то пьющие и о чем-то неспешно беседующие. Бродила минут двадцать по залам и никто не обращал на меня внимания, пришлось самой обратиться к персоналу магазина с просьбой примерить. А в былые то времена: не успел зайти, к тебе сразу бросались навстречу. Мда, незадача, готов потратиться в Риме, есть что тратить, но увы, ты не китаец ((( И не кому не интересен. Очень странный менеджмент....
Paola Zingaretti

Negozio ampio e buona esposizione dei capi sempre magnifici. Purtroppo il personale è molto deludente, anche se fornito di auricolari e tablet non sono stati capaci di trovare da soli il capo da me richiesto (ho dovuto cercarlo io su internet con il mio telefonino e dargli il nome) e ho dovuto assistere a una discussione tra due commesse per chi dovesse seguirmi. Infine la terza commesse che mi ha portato il capo mi ha riferito che che non aveva una taglia più piccola da farmi provare dopo che la sua collega mi aveva precedentemente informato sulle taglie disponibili. Avere la tecnologia e non saperla usare!!! Lavorare in un gran bel negozio ma non avere il buon gusto e la gentilezza di trattare con i clienti. Max Mara dovrebbe fare più attenzione all'assunzione del suo personale.
Lana Yang

Despite some of the other reviews, my customer experience at the Max Mara store at Via Condotti was one of the better ones I experienced during my trip in Rome. The via Condotti store is the biggest and has the most extensive stock out of the other locations in Rome. Stopping here first if you have your eye on a specific item might be a safer bet. I bought a camel colored wool coat and the sales associates were very helpful in helping me decide which size was a better fit for me. They also showed me other options similar to the kind of coat I was looking for. If you're a non-EU resident, remember to bring your passport for the VAT refund (Max Mara uses Global Blue).
Laura Galvani

Buona esperienza di acquisto

한국보다 확실히 저렴해요. 직원도 친절하고 코트도 아주 만족스러웠어요!
Sofia Shen

If you are planning to spend almost 2000€ to buy a fantastic Max Mara coat and you want to receive a decent service DO NOT ever go to this store.
THERE IS ANOTHER STORE just on the street next to it that treats you like you are spending the amount you’re spending.

I was buying 2 coats for a total value of 3600€ and here are the problems that I had to face:
1. Employees didn’t want to give me a size because they were busy talking.
2. They told me to wait for someone else and after 20 min of pure waiting we figure out that “the other person” already left the store for a break.
3. The taxfree was made with the wrong information so we didn’t get the refund.
4. When we went back to the store they didn’t even say sorry for the mistake but claimed that it was our problem because we had the flight the day after the purchase. This is the most ridiculous part...
5. To make the situation even worse, the coat had a side that was unstitched and of course “it wasn’t their problem”

I really like the brand a lot and always go there with my friends and family BUT NEVER AGAIN IN THIS STORE.
haga jaga

Kupiłam tam w dniu dzisiejszym płaszcz, ale byłam bardzo niezadowolona z obsługi. Gdyby plaszcz tak bardzo mi sie nie podobał nigdy bym tam niczego nie kupiła.
Byłam w tym sklepie łącznie dwa razy. Za każdym razem patrzono na mnie, ale nikt nie podszedł aby mi pomóc, a nikogo innego nie obsługiwał. Raz nawet dwie pracownice ze sobą plotkowaly, patrząc na mnie. Gdy poprosilam o pokazanie płaszcza, który był ma wystawie, Pani najpierw pokazała mi dwa inne płaszcze mówiąc za każdym razem ze to ten o który mi chodzi. Musialam jej tłumaczyć ze tamten ma inny kolor i krój. W końcu znalazła właściwy. Przymierzylam, podziekowałam i wyszłam, gdyż chcialam się zastanowić czy go kupić. Gdy wróciłam znów nikt mi nie pomógł. Wiec sama wzięłam płaszcz, wtedy jakas Pani, która juz miała klienta, powiedziała ze mam podejsc do jakiegos pracownika aby mi zaprezentował ten płaszcz. Widząc ze jestem z dzieckiem, zakupami z innych sklepów to mi kazano chodzic po sklepie i szukać pracownika. Obłęd. I to tylko po to aby ten pracownik wziął mój plaszcz i zniósł do kasy i to wpakował do torby. Dno, dno, dno. Ciuchy piękne, obsluga bardzo kiepska, dużo milsza jest w innych i to droższych sklepach.
Alexey Matushin

Одна из лучших макс мар в мире. Самая макс из всех мар.
Vincent Riggio

Purchased several expensive items and asked for them to ship for convenience. BEWARE MAX MARA has a company policy to offer NO shipping at this time. There are many retailers that do ship choose where you spend wisely if shipping is important.
Min Jeong Wang

불친절합니다. 아주 최소한의 것만 해주고 서비스란 없네요. 테르미니역 근처 매장이 훨씬 더 친절합니다.
yy Y

막스마라 Nazionale는 물건이 적어요. 콘도띠 매장이 훨씬 크고 물건 많음. 근데 사이즈없는것도 있어서 재고는 피렌체가 더 많은듯해요. 막스마라 하위브랜드도 있어요. 직원은 친절한 사람도 있고 덜 친절한 사람도 있어요. 손님이 많아서 붐벼요
Giulia Gagliardini

Ho acquistato un abito rimanendone molta soddisfatta. Negozio molto grande con molti commessi all'interno. Mi aspettavo un minimo di attenzione in più da parte della commessa, che è stata comunque gentile e cortese nei miei confronti
patrizia gorinelli

Cortesia professionalità e simpatia

My mom and I were spending some time in Rome as tourists. We went to this Max Mara store in order for us to find a dress for an occasion, as we are used to buy from this brand. However, one of the employees (mature, semi short bleached hair) kept following us through every move we made and treated us as if we were burglars. When we finally got to check the clothes without her being around and when she noticed that we were still here, she ran from the other side of the store to where we were standing, scared that we would steal something.
This kind of attitude towards the clients is extremely disrespectful. There are other and efficient means to keep an eye on the people who enter the store. We went to another Max Mara not so far located from this one and the staff was much more welcoming and competent.
Marina Mincuzzi

Raffinata boutique del famoso marchio Italiano , nella splendida via Condotti. Ambiente gentile e cordiale.
Antonio De Luca


매우매우 친절함. 그리고 분명 한국보다 쌈!! 들어갈까 말까 고민하지 말고 들어가길 추천함!! 하지만 여기보다 로마 면세점이 훨씬 더 싸서 거기서 구매했음!. 그러나 면세점에는 사이즈가 많지 않으니. 막스마라 코트를 구매할 계획이라면 꼭 로마 지점의 친절함을 경험해보길 추천함!!
amalia caos

Personale simpaticissimo e competente
elisabetta bucci

Mirko Areaweb

Vetrine molto belle
Massimo Cervone

Luigi Iannitti

Roberta Malacrino

Roberta Macii

La professionalità e la cortesia sono al top
Fatima Llorente

Mi sitio favorito .... diseños ideales!!... un equipo fantastico.
Eliseo Ferrante

I heard this is one of the TOP brands for women

Da favola
Cecilia Lazio

Negozio per Signore qualità prezzo buona ma manca la gentilezza da parte credo fosse stata la direttrice, che forse si crede di esser il titolare, una signora riccia e mora non alta, che per aver speso solo 300 euro ti tratta come se fossimo stati dei poveri indigenti. Chiedo più attenzione verso un cliente e cortesia da parte di quella che dovrebbe esser una direttrice che così non è sembrato. Le ragazze tutte scqusitamente gentili.

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