> Cantina a Bagno Vignoni, Siena
> Poggio Grande Recensioni / Cantina a Bagno Vignoni, Siena

Poggio Grande
Podere Poggio Grande, 11, 53023 Castiglione d'Orcia SI, Italyhttp://www.aziendapoggiogrande.it/
Recensioni: 5 | Valutazione complessiva: Premiato
Premiato | |
Bene | |
Media | |
Male | |
Terribile |

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors
By chance, we chose this winery from a list and set out to explore. It's off-off-off the beaten track but worth the effort to find it. We arrived unannounced and Luca provided breads, oil, cheeses and meats with wine glasses and the bottle of wine. First offering was superb. No discussion of whether this feast was free or at cost. Then some more, with a new bottle of wine... and again with yet another bottle... each bottle better than the last. The first bottle costs only e8 each (8 euro, about $9).
We ordered a case of mixed wine to be shipped to the USA, no problem.
I cannot recommend this winery highly enough. First rate hospitality coupled with exquisite wines and an exceptional openness. Try it, you will not be disappointed.